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Awareness, struggle & support

Awareness Program
of the P-ton AG

P-ton Home Awareness Program
Create awareness

What does awareness work mean for us?

The P‑ton Awareness Program addresses employees, investors, startups and external partners to foster awareness of and protection against sexualised violence, boundary-violating behavior, and discrimination of any form.

Our focus is fostering education, respect and awareness around these issues and taking active action against them. Awareness work for us includes, among other things:


Questioning (power) structures and behaviors

Providing and demanding solidarity

Encouraging self-reflection and behavioral change
Current situation Anti-discrimination

Why is there a need for awareness work in the P‑ton?

According to a study by the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency, one in eleven employees has experienced sexual discrimination at work in the past three years; one third also experienced discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, origin, religion, disability, and/or age.

Target of the Awarness Program

Our intentions

The aim of the P‑ton Awareness Program is to raise awareness of and combat boundary violations, discrimination, and aggression, as well as provide support to those who experience such behavior in the context of work or other events related to the P‑ton or subsidiaries. In the long term, we aim to create a system that victims of any such behavior can turn to for help, and which breaks down barriers to talking about cases and getting help. As a company, we want to live up to our responsibility in this area.

Target groups
Principle Awareness

A task for everyone

Each person sets his or her own boundaries. These limits are to be respected by others without reservation. Ergo: Only YES means YES, silence is not consent! We take the experiences of affected persons seriously and base further steps of action on their needs. Any personal information shared with us in the process is never shared without consent. Anonymous contact is possible.


Terms & definitions

‘Boundary-violating behavior’ includes, but is not limited to: sexual attacks or harassment, discriminating or degrading behavior, e.g. in relation to appearance, skin color, handicap, gender identity, sexual orientation, origin or age. In this context, ‘boundary-violating behavior’ not only refers to physical assault, but can include various forms of psychological, emotional or verbal violence. Any form of violence is experienced and assessed differently based on the personal history and experiences of the victim.
Which actions cross a personal boundary can only be decided by the person affected. Calling an experience assault or discrimination will not be questioned. Affected persons are not forced into a position of justification by asking pointed questions.
Anyone who turns to the awareness team can trust that their experiences will be taken seriously. All further steps are discussed with the person affected; decision-making power regarding implementation is also up to them. The (re-)establishment of the safety and self-determination of the affected person is the basis for all further steps. We stand behind the affected person and actively declare our solidarity with them. A supposedly neutral position harms the victim and protects the aggressor.
Personal information or specific cases brought to us or the ombuds person’s attention are never shared without consent. Cases in which we are involved are only discussed anonymously, for example in internal meetings about intervention steps or if we seek external professional advice to assist our intervention.
The person affected is understood as the person who is affected by discriminating or sexualised violence as well as boundary-violating behavior.
A feminist concept of violence is necessary, since violence is always committed in the context of power structures. This includes physical, psychological and discriminatory violence.
Sexual assault and discrimination are used as a way of exercising violence and gaining power. Sexualised violence includes all forms of sexual behavior, comments, etc. carried out without the explicit consent of all parties. There is no objective ‘level of seriousness’ that must be reached in order for the victim to speak of sexualised violence. Sexual discrimination or sexism refers to gender-based discrimination. This includes actions that maintain or reproduce discriminatory power structures.
Awareness Programm P-ton - Company Builder | P-ton AG